Kamis, 05 Juli 2018

Bahasa Inggrish Bisnis 2 (TUGAS 2)

II. The Present Tense

a.        The Simple Present Tense (S+V1+O)
1.      The sun sets from the west.
2.      They come to school together everyday.
3.      My father doesn’t work in his office everyday.
4.      My mother usually cooks rice everyday.
5.      Tina doesn’t play tennis every week.
6.      The baby often cries at night.
7.      The restaurant opens at 9 o’clock in the morning.
8.      Do they walk to the market?
9.      We always eat at the restaurant every weekend.
10.  She comes to library everyday after school.

b.        The Present Continuous Tense (S+Am/is/are+Verb-ing+O)
1.      I am reading a book at the moment.
2.      He is writing a novel.
3.      She is not wearing a selt belt.
4.      Are you eating my chocolate ?
5.      My mother is cooking fried chicken in the kitchen now.
6.      The class is not studying now, because the teacher is sick.
7.      My mother is not cooking, she is sleeping on the second floor.
8.      Who is playing the piano ?
9.      My sister is reading a magazine now.
10.  We are watching television now.

c.         The Present Perfect Tense (S+Have/has+V3+O)
1.      The world has changed because of the technology.
2.      John has not finished painting the wall.
3.      Have you already finished answering the question ?
4.      Kevin has resigned from this company.
5.      Mia has forgotten about her promises to me.
6.      Rachel has graduated from University.
7.      Rini has returned that book to the library.
8.      James has worked in Google company for 12 years.
9.      My father has slept for 2 hours.
10.  Has Deny come back from school ?

d.        The Present Perfect Continuous Tense (S+Have/has+Been+Verb-ing+O)
1.      The beggar has been asking money from me since then.
2.      Have you been calling me since then ?
3.      Fitri has not been working in that company since 2 years ago.
4.      My brother has been working as a teacher since  he graduated.
5.      My father has been driving for a day from Jakarta to Bandung.
6.      My brother has been preparing for the national exam for a week.
7.      I have been staying here since 1981.
8.      They haven’t been playing football until now.
9.      Haven’t you been sleeping until now ?
10.  Haven’t they been swimming in the beach ?

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